Welcome everybody

If you long for life, culture and especially the truth, I must let you into a secret; you need to look no further because you have found me, Alberto!
I can't promise you won't still be hungry and thirsty, but we can have some fun times together and it will give you something to remember.
Then tomorrow and beyond, you can reflect on what it is like to have a joyful day that in turn leads to a joyful heart.

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martes, 22 de marzo de 2016


BioEdge ha publicado recientemente una entrevista a John Keown acerca de su libro Bioethics and the Human Goods: An Introduction to Natural Law Bioethics. En ella se resumen algunas ideas de su contenido, y la diferencia entre ese enfoque de la bioética y el enfoque de los bienes de Grisez y Finnis, y se subraya como visión más razonable de la bioética que el principlismo imperante; éste, al final, termina empleando argumentos utilitaristas; a este respecto, es interesante y complementario un artículo de First Things: What’s the Value of Utility?

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